10th July 2019, 15:05-15:50 GMT / 10:05-10:50 EST
Improving the employee experience from global mobility
Global mobility functions everywhere are being asked to become more ‘experience-centred’ – seeking ways to improve the employee experience from cross-border mobility.
For this repeat of our previous virtual roundtable, we gathered more companies from across Europe and the US to share what they have been doing to demonstrate a focus on EX for the internationally mobile.
Following a very helpful and productive roundtable conversation, TraQs set out three steps necessary for a methodical and impactful approach to improving the assignment experience for employees. Gathering feedback on all aspects of the assignment experience for leading multinationals across the globe has taught us the need to:
- choose the right experiences to try and improve
- demonstrate the impact of the changes made
- focus on outcomes that matter
Choosing which experiences to try and impact is best informed by a clear understanding of what is most important to key assignee cohorts. Add to this metrics about the quality of those experiences today, and you start to have a meaningful frame of reference. Add in benchmark data on how well those experiences are delivered by other leading companies and you will be able to identify low-hanging fruit.
Metrics on assignee experience provide the data needed to drive real improvement in the EX of our mobile talent. TraQs have powerful big-data on the quality of those experiences that can be mined to provide clear direction to global mobility’s efforts to improve EX – ensuring that they are successful and recognised as such by senior leaders.
Further repeats of this virtual roundtable are planned together with follow-up sessions:
- digging deeper in to the mechanisms for gathering and analysing experience metrics
- exploring in more detail the most important and challenging metrics related to those outcomes which matter most – job, growth and career impact