5th September 2019, 15:05-15:50 GMT / 10:05-10:50 EST
Improving the employee experience of globally mobile talent
Working with a core group of major global companies, we have been exploring ways in which we can better support the development and advancement of culturally agile future leaders. Providing talent with appropriate international experience – often through some variant of cross-border employee mobility – remains a key tool. However, many mobility and talent processes remain disconnected undermining the effectiveness of this important intervention.
The current focus on improving employee experience offers an opportunity to drive needed change. Join in the conversation and see how the right kind of metrics can help provide clarity, direction and support better outcomes.
For more detail on the agenda, or to join us, register here. Participation is invited from corporate heads of global talent and heads of global mobility.
- 20 mins – Share and discuss: what companies are doing to demonstrate a focus on improving the employee experience of mobile talent, and the metrics being used to gauge the impact of these initiatives
10 mins – TraQs insights: choosing the experiences to improve, ensuring a meaningful focus on outcomes that matter and making metrics work
15 mins – Open discussion