TraQs at SHRM Global Mobility Committee

16th November 2020, Virtual

ROI: Why now is a good time to act

TraQs has been invited to present to members of the SHRM Global Mobility Commitee (formerly the NFTC’s Expatriate Management and International Assignment Management Committees).

This one hour session is focused on why now is a good time for global mobility leaders to introduce insights on Return on Investment as part of their program governance responsibilities.

The presentation first distinguishes different ROI concepts before explaining how to go about generating these ROI metrics. With business leaders under pressure to adapt to deliver on objectives, sharpening the focus on the return from the company’s investments in international mobility will be an attractive proposition.

Acting now will:

– identify the size and shape of the investment in global mobility

– make mobility intent transparent so initiations are purpose-driven

– help safeguard investments in the global talent pipeline

– drive improvements in the program and related talent interventions

– produce metrics of global mobility return on investment